Касаемо р/л службы в России.
Пришло тревожное письмо на наш клуб RCWC от нашего коллеги из Италии.
Предполагается ввести расширение диапазона для цифровых видов, в частности для FT8.
Знает ли об этом СРР и какие мнения у него на этот счет?
Вопрос скорее для председателя СРР по Кировской области.
Dear R.CW Club friends, I'm writing to you because there are some important issues that will be discussed next 27 and 28 April at IARU Region 1 meeting in Vienna.
Here the link of all topics:
Unfortunately there are 2 dangerous proposals for the activity in cw:
1) The proposal by HB9UAR (USKA) about "the rubber band" for 30m.
https://vienna.iaru-r1.org/wp-content/u ... -bands.pdf
What propose in short?
Increase the frequency portion for digital modes by 25% to the detriment of the portion dedicated to telegraphy on all bands currently in use.
Create bandwidth flexibility for digital modes depending on traffic. (uncertainty will bring conflict and situation out of control).
"Open" the 30mt band completely to digital ways without any border for cw mode.
2)The proposal of OE3MCZ (OeVSV) extension of the digital segment, higher bandwidth.
https://vienna.iaru-r1.org/wp-content/u ... gments.pdf
The latter proposal (OeVSV) is in contrast with the FT8 mode. We know that the skillful FT8 divides the band over time, so virtually increasing space available for qso. This mode allows at least 40 simultaneous QSOs in just 2 hz.
So we don't understand why enlarge ?
The alarm starts from our colleagues at the UTF Unione Telegraphist od France, they are sensitizing all others Radio Amateurs Association about this problems.
In my little way, I've alerted the ARI Italian Radio Amateur Association, to not adhere to these two proposals.
Instead of giving support to the 3 proposals listed below, which are in any way protect the cw mode.
A) The RSGB proposes to unify the transmissions Region 1 and Region 2, an excellent proposal.
B) ARI will regulate the use of the FT8 with low power. Another excellent proposal.
C) F6BEE proposes to protect the cw / qrp:
https://vienna.iaru-r1.org/wp-content/u ... gments.pdf
Another excellent proposal for us telegraphists.
I kindly ask you as RCWC morse Club, to interest the SRR (Soyuz Radiolyubitelei Rossii) to not endorse the two proposals up (1 and 2) of USKA and OeVSV.
The various HAM associations of the world have been working since 2013/14 to make telegraphy recognized as a heritage of humanity, but today we are witnessing proposals that instead want to force this activity.
We must put associations before this contradiction.
The Industry in general expanding the business to transmissions. 3G, 4G, 5G for mobile telephony, millions of meters for water, electricity and gas have started electronic measurement by geo geolocation systems, wifi systems and so on.
Industry is hungry for frequencies and sooner or later we should defend ourselves from this.
The HAM associations should on the contrary ask for an extension of some bands that are "narrow" due to the limited space granted, and not to subtract khz. at cw.
The smart thing is to avoid any division within us and to make a group to "gain" something extra for the whole Radiomatorial Community.
Thank you for your attention and greetings, Vy 73 de Claudio IZ0KRC.
R.CW.C. Member #1019